

Assertiveness is defined as the ability to recognize your own emotions and effectively communicate them. What we are usually talking about here is being able to recognize when someone is irritating you and then being able to say something about it that is effective.

People with anxiety are usually unable to be Assertive (because it produces too much anxiety to push back/say “No”) and/or are completely unaware that a lack of Assertiveness is contributing to their anxiety and that they can do something about it by having better boundaries.

Assertiveness is on a continuum. To learn more about this concept, expand the link below:


What is the Passive-Assertive-Aggressive Continuum?

Assertiveness is on a continuum. On the left side is being passive, in the middle is being assertive and on the right side is being aggressive. Passive-Assertive-Aggressive.

Being passive means not showing any sign that someone is irritating you at all. Being assertive means telling someone the way their behavior makes you feel and then letting it go. Being aggressive is any form of disapproval where you do not tell the person the way their behavior makes you feel (for example, slamming doors, cursing, making fun of them), or not letting it go (i.e. arguing with them until they agree, bringing it up several times, acting cold towards them for several hours).

The most common pattern is to be too passive initially. People take it, take it, take it. Swallow it, swallow it, swallow it. Until finally they are so mad that they overshoot the mark and become aggressive: they yell at the person, stop returning their calls, jump straight to decreasing frequency of contact, or write them off altogether. The goal of assertiveness is to get you to say something quickly before you get so angry that you overshoot the mark by becoming aggressive.


There are two keys to assertiveness: 

1. Mention an emotion.

2. Let it go.

Learn more about each key by expanding the links below:


Mention An Emotion

The most important key to Assertiveness is that you have to use your emotions as the reason that you want to person to change, rather than using logic. The problem with logic is that it tends to go around in circles and it gets very frustrating. Using your emotions gives people less to argue with. It makes the process more efficient.

For example, let’s say a patient of mine is always 20 minutes late every time we are supposed to meet. If I use logic, it might go around in circles.

Me: I don’t understand why you are always 20 minutes late. We can get more done if you are on time.

Them: But I’m getting a lot out of this Dr. K.

Me: Well, yeah, but if you were on time we could get twice as much done.

Them: No. No. Any faster would be too fast.

Me: [Nuts.]

If instead, I had said, “When you are late it makes me feel worried,” what are they going to say, that I’m not worried? By using my emotions as the reason that I want the person to change, it eliminates most of the argumentation. There is no logic, concepts, or theories for them to argue with.


Let It Go

The particular technique of Assertiveness that I recommend is to tell the person the way their behavior makes you feel (and, perhaps, the behavior that you would prefer). If they are defensive, then repeat it. If they are still defensive, then let it go (i.e. be nice to them, accept their excuses, validate their emotions, apologize for your tone, move on in the conversation, and/or take a break and be nice to them the next time you see them). What’s interesting about Assertiveness, is that it doesn’t matter whether or not they agree with you. You will still feel better for getting it off your chest, and they will still change. 


The Mind Bomb

My favorite phrasing for assertiveness is what I call a Mind Bomb, which is the following statement:

"When you do X behavior, it makes me feel Y emotions [and I'd prefer if you did Z behavior instead]."


Detailed Instructions About the Mind Bomb

The behavior (i.e. “X behavior”) should be specific, observable, and measurable. Avoid concepts and theories. If someone is always late, don’t say “When you disrespect me” or “When you prioritize your work over our friendship”. Instead, say “When you’re late.” It makes it a lot easier for them to know what you are talking about. It also eliminates most of the argumentation.

If it’s unclear what you are asking for then follow up with the preferred behavior (i.e. “Z behavior). In this case, “I’d prefer if you were within 5 minutes of our scheduled time.” In actual practice, nowadays, I often skip the preferred behavior (especially with someone I have frequent contact with), because it can come off as too controlling. Just giving them feedback on the way their behavior makes me feel is usually sufficient.

My favorite emotions to use for the “Y emotion” are “worried”, “concerned”, and “uncomfortable”. People don’t get as defensive when I use those words, and I am more likely to get a sympathetic response. Those emotions are also appropriate for a business context (i.e. “I am not comfortable with that timeline, I prefer this specific other one instead.”).


The Mind Bomb Sequence

The way you deliver a mind bomb is what I refer to as the Mind Bomb Sequence. This highlights the idea that you are going to let it go no matter what.

YOU: Mind Bomb

THEM: Blah Blah Blah

YOU: Repeat the Mind Bomb

THEM: Blah Blah Blah

YOU: Let It Go (i.e. be nice to them, accept their excuses, validate their emotions, apologize for your tone, move on in the conversation, and/or take a break and be nice to them the next time you see them)


Why let it go so quickly?

The are many reasons to let it go quickly.

One is that, when you like each other, that is when they will agree with what you’ve said. So, get out of the argument phase as quickly as possible.

A second is that, once you are nice to them, you can Mind Bomb them again! If you stay mad at them forever, you actually lose efficacy.

My favorite reason to let go is actually a behavioral one. The best way to train any “animal” (including a human!) is to administer a punishment that is brief in duration. The briefer the punishment, the more effective it is. With a human being, that means you usually have to be nice to them before they even agree with you. If you push for agreement, it will take too long. You lose efficiency, and, usually, you do unnecessary damage to the relationship.

Remember, you don’t need verbal agreement in order to get behavioral change (i.e. them hearing you and them getting upset is actually already enough to influence their behavior). Also, you don’t need verbal agreement to feel better (i.e. getting it off your chest is enough to help).


What are some examples of the Mind Bomb Sequence?

Example #1:

YOU: It makes me uncomfortable when you make fun of me.

THEM: Aww, come on. You’re being too sensitive. I was only joking. 

YOU: I’m just saying that it makes me uncomfortable when you make fun of me.

THEM: You’re too sensitive. No one else complains about my joking.

YOU: Well, I’m glad I told you. I can see why my comment irritated you. I do enjoy your friendship and am sorry I caught you off guard... How was your week?

Example #2:

YOU: It makes me uncomfortable when you share my secrets with our friends.

THEM: A lot of us have been talking that you are way too closed off. I’m just trying to open you up.

YOU: I’m just saying that it makes me uncomfortable when you share my secrets with our friends.

THEM: You’re still doing it. Your whole closed-off thing. Like I was saying, I’m going to keep telling some of your secrets, and I think it’s going to be really good for you.

YOU: Well, I’m glad I told you. Let’s move on.

Even though it may seem like Assertiveness “didn’t work” in the above examples (because they did not agree), it doesn’t matter. You will still feel better for getting it off your chest, and they will still be more likely to do stop doing whatever you were assertive about. The main advantage of “letting it go” is that you avoid going around in circles by trying to use logic, which, in addition to being draining, actually makes the process less effective.


When should I use Assertiveness?

The best signs that you need to be Assertive with someone is that you are ranting about them to other people, developing evil theories to explain their behavior, and/or having fake arguments (with them) in your head. These are all clues that you need to say something directly to them, before they continue to spoil your downtime and before you blow up at them or quit the relationship. Essentially, if thinking about them is making you feel bad, then you need to get it off your chest.

This technique can also be used in tandem with Cathartic Letters for Anger. The Cathartic Letter can be used before Assertiveness (to help you figure out and clarify what you need to say), and/or after Assertiveness (to help you let it go and move on if they responded poorly).